
Tasting T2.15 Priorat

For the keener readers amongst you, you may recall that I did an Up from the Cellar article about Priorat when I was in Spain earlier this year. Completely forgetting of course that I had this tasting coming up as well. So if you really want a deep dive into Priorat then you can read that article first HERE, then move on to this one. I’m just going to steal some of my own work from that previous article to explain Priorat to you. Priorat lies in the north east of Spain southwest of Barcelona. It is very rural (as...

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Tasting T3.3 Australia & New Zealand Chardonnay

Rather than doing a big introduction for this tasting, I decided I would rather you took some time to read about the Estates below. I have put which countries they are from and you can read more about them below. Just to say quickly, Australia and New Zealand are two of the best countries in the world to produce excellent, value for money, Chardonnay wines. The Wineries are: Neudorf Vineyards – New Zealand Tim and Jude planted the first vines in Neudorf in 1978. They wanted to make wines of integrity and utilise the terroir to the best of their...

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Up from the Cellar #9

We are back with another Up from the Cellar Tasting! Only two Domaines here with four wines in total. One is of course a rosé… because why not and its summer! Finally that English weather has stopped and some sort of quasi-mediterranean sunshine hit us before it then went away again. The first wine we purchased at Aldi as Jen was insistent that we get it as it is ‘going viral’. I was a little perplexed mainly because I had not actually seen it anywhere on my social media but perhaps I am just slow to the times. We are,...

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Tasting T1.7 Beaujolais & Chalonnaise

Looking ever closer at some lesser known villages here. Delving into the world of the southern Burgundy region and Beaujolais. Starting with Beaujolais first and foremost, this is a rather rustic and old school region however their crus do offer some great wines. Utilising the Gamay grape variety these are generally dark fruit and earthy wines, certainly with an ability to age. The 10 crus do offer really good wines at great value, certainly better value than their Burgundian cousins. Over the last decade Beaujolais has really noticed a lot more press, partly because 2014 through to 2019 vintages have...

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Tasting T1.6 Domaine Fontaine-Gagnard

Once again we have a tasting that focused on one Domaine. In particular, the reason for this, this Domaine produces white wine from arguably one of the best vineyards in the world. Period. That’s right… we are talking about Montrachet. Whilst I try and stop myself writing, using as many paragraphs as I can, an explanation to you detailing quite how excited I was for this tasting we should first look at this Domaine. This is a relatively young Domaine for Burgundy who were founded in 1985. Today it owns 12 hectares of vineyards located across Chassagne-Montrachet with a few...

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