Well well well… the romantic holiday is upon us. Whether you are in a brand-new relationship or have been happily (I hope!) married for many a moon this holiday is important for almost everyone. However, if you’re single then just buy yourself something nice! There’s room for everyone in my mind on this lovely day.
The thing is, when you’re single you don’t really get into Valentines day considering the entire festivity was created for couples to celebrate being together. However, being single myself for this one, I have found that rather than curse the card company that so-called ‘invented’ the idea of giving the one you love a card and/or gift, I have decided that I will buy myself something. That may sound sad… and maybe it is, but I would rather be happy in the knowledge that I am doing perfectly well by myself, rather than be upset at the world for this day because if I was in a relationship, I would be taking full benefits of what is on offer.
So enough waffle, lets get down to the business you have come to see. Being Valentines and therefore romantic tendencies are often needed, I have chosen a rose Champagne, an interestingly labelled white wine and a smooth, decadent red wine. So first up:
Champagne Bauget-Jouette Rose Brut
You will be pleased to know that this is the most expensive wine that I will be showcasing on this blog. At £29.99 you may well bulk at the price and ask if it is really worth it? And to that I have two answers, firstly yes it is worth it and secondly ask not if the wine is worth it but is your partner worth it… I’m sure you can answer that yourself. I do, however, need to prove to you that it is worth it. So I can honestly tell you that as Champagne’s go in general Bauget-Jouette are really quite fantastic. They have been making Champagne since 1822 and over five generations have worked tirelessly to create what they believe to be the best range that they can offer. They have not disappointed. This particular Champagne bursts with ripe red fruits on the nose and continues the theme on tasting. Strawberries and raspberries are at the forefront with a gorgeously long finish make this the Valentines Day treat that you don’t want to miss out on. Our next guest is:
Pascal Jolivet Attitude 2014 & 2016
As you can see from the title we have both vintages in stock. As you can also see from the title this could be the perfect gift to your other half if they suffer from that marvellous personality trait and enjoy white wine! With both vintages I must admit there is not a huge difference, the only thing I would note is that with the 2014 being slightly older it may well have more prudent tertiary tastes such as marmalade, honey and dried fruits. Hailing from the Loire Valley we have citrus fruits at the forefront along with hints of exotic fruits as well. A lovely elegance about this wine, with a good body and medium finish. At the price of £13.99 I would say it is almost perfect for this holiday. Last but certainly not least we have:
Domaine de Coyeux Cru Beaumes-de-Venise Rouge Les Cavares 2007
There is one thing that immediately comes to mind when you read the above. The age. At 15 years old this is still a gorgeous wine. Beautifully crafted I have had several of these over the Christmas period and it did not disappoint in the slightest. As I mentioned earlier this is so smooth it will feel like you’re drinking water, right up until you realise the power and structure behind this incredible wine. With a red brick colour, deep nose filled with cooked fruits, leather and pepper then on the palate it bursts with plummy fruit, chocolate and a bit of spice to end your evening on. Make no mistake ladies and gentlemen, this wine needs to be drunk now and at £16.99 I believe you have a serious bargain on your hands. If you don’t want to buy it for your partner then don’t… buy it for yourself!
I hope you have enjoyed the read and that you found some wine for thought,
Harry Vernau